Saturday, July 4, 2009

OOOH!........... AAAH! (A Favorite from my Archives)

I can't think of a better way to spend Independence day than with the ones you love, while watching an amazing display of fireworks! To me, Independence day is a great chance to celebrate our country's becoming it's own nation, and also gives us a chance to reflect on the many blessings that God has given us throughout the years, following the great signing of the Declaration of Independence.

I think that we have a lot to learn from our founding fathers too! Just as they stood up for their beliefs and rights, we should do the same! Although we are not standing up to King George, we are standing up to someone even more difficult to defeat! We are fighting off the devil who is constantly trying to "rule" over our lives and forget our belief in God, just as the colonists fought off King George!

Throughout the revolution one thing was clear. Despite all of the hardships, trials, struggles and disappointments, the Americans still continued to fight and to not give up and eventually purchased for us our freedom! This is also how we should be in battle against the devil! We should remember to finish the race and never give up and trust in God! We should also remember that no matter what, God is always with us and he never will make us fight alone! He will give us the victory!

A blessed Independence Day Everyone! :)


  1. John, who are you? Did this come from you? This is absolutely awesome and beautiful! I can't believe you are my son, I can't even believe that I know you! I am so impressed and honored to be your mom! All I can say is "WOW!"

  2. "Never Give Up"! Words to live by! Happy Independence Day to you too!
    Blessings from Florida!

  3. Thank you John for these inspiring and patriotic words! We need to hear these kinds of things...."freedom, trusting in God, living in the traditions we were founded up" have once again done a marvelous job. Our very American independence is a gift from our God; we must always remember that we were, still are, and will always be a Christian nation (much to the opposition of our current president, God have mercy on him). Keep up the good work and God be with you!

  4. Wow, awesome John! You have so much wisdom, strength and discernment for a young person. Go John!!!

  5. What words of wisdom. That is truley what it means to be an American. We as Americans were given rights of life, liberty, and property which no one can take away from us. What you stated, John, is so true. The people who started the United States of America founded it on Jewish and Christian values. It is a shame that many of our elected officials don't see our country as a gift from God. You are a part of a very slim minority who see our country as it should be seen. There are too many people who do not have as good quality of life as we do, and a lot of Americans don't realize that. Thank you, John, for these inspiring words. As St. Paul said, and I say to you,"Fight the good fight." Satan is here to tempt us. He takes hold of some of us at times, but we have to learn to be strong and to fight temptation. God be with you, and keep you safe.
