Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Ah the holiest night of nights, Christmas Eve, the birth of out Lord Jesus is here! The days leading up to it were busy ones, filled with Christmas shopping, cooking and baking delicious treats to suit the season and cleaning the house. Obviously there is a lot of preparing and work that goes into the holiday season.

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season we do so much preparing and getting ready, that we seem to lose what is most important. We prepare the house, prepare foods and treats, we prepare the Christmas tree with presents and toys. These are all very good, but amidst these preparations, we all seem to forget about one very important preparation that needs to be made.

We need to prepare our hearts for the Lord’s coming. We read it in books. We hear it preached in church on Sunday. We also hear John the Baptist’s message, “Prepare the Way of the Lord!” Now at the time it may seem like an easy task, but soon it gets overlooked by the many other preparations that we begin to make.

Preparing our hearts for Jesus’ coming is not an easy task. Maybe we could start by taking time out of our lives to sit in silence and ask Jesus to prepare us for his birth. Make a morning offer! In this way we will be able to appreciate our Lord’s coming and love Him each day more and more.

A Merry Christmas Everyone!

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