Happy Easter! The weather is warming up, my confirmation is coming up in a few short days and our Lord Jesus Christ is risen from the dead! I don't know how it can get any better that this. The triduum is always so beautiful, filled with such wonderful music, prayers, homilies and inspiring gospel stories of our Lord's Last Supper with His disciples, The Crucifixion of Jesus and finally his rising from death back to life again. Each one has a different and special meaning for me each year.
This year's triduum brought forth a new experience for me, as I was given the honor of singing the intercessions at both Holy Thursday Mass and the Easter Vigil. It was very exciting for me, standing in front of the congregation at the ambo. Some of you reading this might be wondering, "Why is this such a big deal? After all he does cantor and lector regularly at Mass." The extreme honor that I felt when I was singing, was having the privilege to sing the prayers of the entire community. Some of the prayers included the prayers for those who had been baptized and brought into full communion with the church at the Easter Vigil, the prayers for those who feel abandoned in their afflictions and the faithful departed whose life-long vigil had ended. I felt truly blessed to sing the prayers of the people of our parish up to God. It was the experience of a lifetime.
On Easter Sunday my family was invite for breakfast at the house of the rector of St. Francis De Sales Seminary, Father Don Hying. His beautiful loft overlooked the huge seminary forest and the paths below. It was so peaceful and extremely quiet. I felt blessed to be able to spend time with Father and talk with him. While we were there, Father Don presented to me his rosary that was blessed by Pope Benedict XVI on his latest trip to the Vatican. It was his early Confirmation present for me as I am set to be confirmed this Saturday! I am so blessed to have a friend like him.